Tag Archives: cooking



It’s been so long! I’ve been super busy recently, with work and planning my wedding. I will have another review up soon but until then here is some of the stuff I’ve been doing at work recently.

Biscuit day!

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Today was the day for making biscuits because we had absolutely nothing in the shop. I did Gingerbread Men and Viennese Biscuits and the boss made Palmiers (sorry, no pictures). Biscuits!

Viennese Biscuits waiting to be baked. Viennese biscuits are the shortest, butteriest biscuits, and not too sweet. You’ll find no margarine here.

These ones are mostly for the kids so they’re not too gingery. I like to give them personalities, you’ll almost always find one with a beatnick moustache and goatee. I don’t think anyone’s noticed yet 🙂

All baked, There were 4 or 5 trays. Vienesse biscuits are supposed to be baked with no colour but you get so much flavour from the darker bits.